Steven Raine (Executive Director, Institute for Agriculture and the Environment, University of Southern Queensland), Michael Matthewson (Business Operations Manager, Toowoomba, Wiley) & Shane Charles (CEO, TSBE)
Wiley’s Business Operations Manager for Toowoomba, Michael Matthewson joined the the Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Assistant Minister of State Assisting the Premier together with national leaders and stakeholders, food producers and processors for the official Food Leaders Australia launch today at the Toowoomba Railway Station.
A Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise and the University of Southern Queensland initiative, Food Leaders Australia links research with industry and will provide targeted support to food processing and producing businesses to strengthen their capability and position this region as a leader in Australian food and agriculture innovation.
Michael spoke at the launch, outlining Wiley’s commitment to the region and food innovation. We are proud to have also been a sponsor of this fantastic initiative.

Michael Matthewson presenting at Food Leaders Asutralia Launch
TSBE invites you to collaborate with and help position your business and the Toowoomba Surat Basin region as a competitive food hub capitalising on opportunities in the global market.
Michael presented Wiley’s Innovation in the Australian food industry, a blueprint for the future info graphic (a USQ collaboration) at the event. You can learn more about this great tool HERE.
Wiley extends their congratulations to TSBE & USQ, we are excited for the future!
Follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag: #foodleadersaustralia
The Hon Stirling Hinchliffe is up now officially launching #FoodLeadersAustralia @usqedu #IAgE @Wileytalk pic.twitter.com/HdyVjXtSpe
— TSBE (@TSBEnterprise) May 15, 2015
Asia is looking to Australia to provide safe food, & we have the capability right here in our region #foodleadersaustralia @usqedu — TSBE (@TSBEnterprise) May 15, 2015
@DebFrecklington @TSBEnterprise @profsteveraine @nancysomm @usqedu Thanks Deb. Great to see you at today’s event
— Wiley (@Wileytalk) May 15, 2015
Industry value chain & impact from innovations joint initiative @Wileytalk & #IAgE researchers #foodleadersaustralia @usq @TSBEnterprise
— Steven Raine (@profsteveraine) May 15, 2015
Food Leaders Australia about collaboration. Ponder how you might get engaged and reach out to us @usqedu @TSBE pic.twitter.com/dOlSbwXQYd — Julie Cotter (@JulieCotter) May 15, 2015